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Nadine Lugmayr, Leasing Consultant

Nadine Lugmayr

E-Mobilität, Fuhrparkmanagement Linz

" Making the mobility of tomorrow possible today with INTERLEASING "


E-mobility will become a firmly established form of drive in Austria in the coming years. Even today, electric cars are no longer a niche and have impressively demonstrated their suitability for everyday use. Charging infrastructure is available across Austria and is constantly being expanded.

In addition to political and tax reasons, there are also many ecological reasons to consider the topic of leasing electric vehicles or hybrids in detail.


Your advantages as an INTERLEASING customer :


  • Possibility of leasing all electric cars / hybrids regardless of brand and model

  • We offer various contract options for e-mobility, including operating leasing and residual value leasing

  • Austria-wide coverage of charging infrastructure through our cooperation partner Smatrics

  • Individual conception (with on-site advice) of the charging option at your home or your employee / place of business

  • Billing of charging processes in both public and private spaces possible via INTERLEASING

  • Advice on the use of tax advantages of electric vehicles

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